Your Bible students deserve to hear the simple truths found in God's Word. Jesus, the Master Teacher, told stories and used object lessons so that multitudes of disciples could understand His message and teach it to others.
Thank you for your desire to teach the gospel message. Together, we can help the world understand the Bible a little bit at a time.

The Bible tells us that singing is a powerful teaching tool that is authorized by God (cf. Colossians 3:16).
Select artwork from a large assortment of images that can be used to teach the Bible to students of all ages.
Any written material found on this site is based solely on the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of God. Lesson plans, readers' theater scripts, stories, and books are simply study aids.

Fig trees are mentioned throughout the Bible, and figs were commonly eaten by Jesus!

When God prepared a fish to swallow Jonah, was it a punishment or divine protection?

Pomegranate buds after a spring rain, just before opening

Italian honey bees love white clover.

Gulf Fritillary caterpillars eat the leaves of wild purple passion fruit and turn into beautiful, orange butterflies.

Horn worms can quickly destroy your tomato plants, but they glow under a black light.

Pomegranates grew in the ancient Middle East. Handmade pomegranate decorations were sown into the hem of the high priest. Bronze pomegranates adorned the temple in Jerusalem.

God shows His glory even in the humble potato flower.