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Writer's pictureAsh Kizer

Defining Pew Packers

Anabeth was excited when her friend, Andrew invited her to come with him to worship. He had often expressed how happy he was to be a member of this Christian congregation, and she wanted to know more about his experience. As she approached the door to the auditorium, she heard the sounds of children singing loudly. Assuming she must be late, she checked her phone for the time, but it was only 4:50, ten minutes earlier than the time of worship posted on the sign. Nervously, she reached for the door, but before she could open it, Andrew came out to greet her. “You made it!” he said, with a big smile on his face. “Come on in. The kids are just doing Pew Packers.” “What is ‘Pew Packers?’” she asked. “Come and see,” said Andrew.


Maybe you have heard of “Pew Packers” or had an experience like the one Anabeth had when she visited a church gathering with her friend, Andrew. Practices such as the one described above are relatively new in churches of Christ, and they are known by various names. No consensus has been developed for a “Pew Packers” design, and the Bible is silent on the activity. However, Christian parents and church leaders are generally supportive of the concept, and little to no contention is ever heard surrounding this seemingly benign ritual. “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good,” says Paul (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Should we “hold fast” to Pew Packers? If we are going to examine the concept of “Pew Packers,” then we will first need to figure out what it is.


Christian worship consists of actions prescribed by God and directed primarily toward God (cf. John 4:24). The items authorized by the New Testament for worship, such as partaking of the Lord’s Supper and singing are designed for congregational practice within the assembly on the first day of the week (cf. Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 12:33; 16:2). However, Pew Packers is usually directed only toward children, and most of the time the rest of the congregation becomes a group of spectators.

A typical Bible class has at least one teacher, at least one student, and a lesson from Scripture. Most congregations separate their students into classes based on age groups and prepare lessons that are appropriate for their stage of development. Pew Packers could take the form of a Bible class, but it usually does not. Instead, what we usually see during Pew Packers is a brief review of Bible facts in the form of songs and/or questions delivered to a group of our youngest children.

The purpose of entertainment is to satisfy the desires of people who choose to have their minds occupied by whatever amusement or diversion is readily available. Pew Packers is not entertainment because its goal is to satisfy God by sharing spiritual truths from His Word. The fact that most children enjoy Pew Packers does not make it any more like entertainment than enjoying a meal or taking a bath. Many things are enjoyable besides entertainment.


The Ephesian brethren were commanded to bring up their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). This is a difficult responsibility placed on the shoulders of fathers. One primary goal of Pew Packers is to support parents and other guardians in this endeavor because the members of the body of Christ “should have the same care one for another” (1 Corinthians 12:25).

Another goal of Pew Packers is the edification, or building up, of those who participate. After all, who needs to be built up more than children? Every word that we speak should be “good to the use of edifying,” and Pew Packers is an opportunity to model good speech that ministers “grace unto the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29). Being exposed to the “salt” and “light” of the church is motivating to anyone, and especially children (cf. Matthew 5:13, 16).

Early Christians enjoyed such close relationships that they “had all things in common” and experienced “gladness and singleness of heart” (Acts 2:44, 46). If you are able to witness a brief Pew Packers session, you might literally see children packed shoulder to shoulder in the church pew, visibly thrilled to be associated with their peers. For most of these young churchgoers, it is their first taste of fellowship, and they relish the opportunity for a few minutes of attention from an adult member of the congregation.


Make a list of some of the things you did this week that took only ten minutes or less. Brewing a pot of coffee, watching a tutorial on YouTube, or loading the dishwasher are all profitable activities. However, do you value the things on your list more than ten minutes of Pew Packers? Sometimes we try too hard and do too much when God can use the simplest activities to provide so many blessings. What is Pew Packers? It is an opportunity for the household of God to become closer as a family; packed into pews for the Father’s good pleasure.

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