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Writer's pictureAsh Kizer

Pew Packers: Aligning Goals and Activities

Everyone seemed to be talking about "Pew Packers" within the church where Anabeth had planted the idea. There was obviously a need to focus on the edification and fellowship of the congregation's youngest souls. However, the church leadership was very conscientious, and they asked Anabeth and the rest of the planning group to examine their goals for the program more closely. They asked the following questions:

  • Is this the Lord's work?

  • Does this promote the cause of Christ?

  • Does "Pew Packers" glorify God?

  • Will this program help maintain unity in the body?

The next time Anabeth's "Pew Packers" group met to discuss the program, they decided to construct a diagram that would better communicate their ideas to the congregation and its leadership. After a few minutes of discussion, they settled on the idea of using a Venn diagram to model the alignment of their goals to the activities they had in mind. The chart would also show the interactions between their three primary goals for "Pew Packers." It only took them a few minutes to create this model:

What do you notice about the diagram? Is there anything missing? Should something be removed? What activities are present in more than one circle? Why are some areas empty? How does the diagram help us plan future "Pew Packers" sessions?

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